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Periodico giornaliero sportivo - Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Forlì - Registrato al n° 3309 della Cancelleria

Editore e Caporedattore: Simone Feroli
Direttore Responsabile: Roberto Feroli

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giovedì 21 gennaio 2016

FO - Football, Man Utd ready to make an offer for Luca Ercolani

Forlì Fc: Manchester United could be ready to make an official offer for Luca Ercolani, Forlì F.C. defender, class 1999.
Louis Van Gaal's club would be about to fax Forlì Fc the offer: 50.000 pounds (66.000 euros), with higher bonuses tied to the appearances in Youth teams, up to the possible debut in Premier League.
So, from England, confirmations are coming, about the amount of money that SportinRomagna previously reported on Jan. 12.
Meanwhile, Red Devils are pleased and satisfied to have the player in their Club, as well as the guy looks happy with the accomodation and the sport facilities.

Simone Feroli (Thanks to Anna Mazzotti)

Dall'Inghilterra: il Manchester United pronto per l'offerta per Luca Ercolani

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